Emma Cort, a Board Certified Lactation Consultant

Providing infant feeding support to parents breastfeeding, chestfeeding, combi-feeding and lots more.

Emma Cort Lactation Consultant

I believe breastfeeding is ‘More than Milk’

Breastfeeding is a wonderful thing, and it’s much more than just providing milk to your baby. Breastfeeding nourishes your baby in a totally natural way, creating a lifelong bond. It relaxes you and your baby and provides comfort and calm.

Cross Cradle hold breastfeeding

By breastfeeding your baby you are helping to protect them from childhood illnesses and other conditions. Breastfeeding is great pain relief too, handy when you have teething to manage, or a toddler who has fallen over. Breastfeeding also has health benefits for mothers, as well as creating that all important bond with your baby.

I strongly believe that breastfeeding is More than Milk. Any amount of breastfeeding will benefit both you and your baby, which the science also agrees with. Sometimes things can be a little bumpy when you start breastfeeding. If you are struggling with breastfeeding and would like some professional support, please do get in contact.